Essays /​cat­e­gories /​gear

Favorite Micro Four Thirds Lens

As I grew into the m43 (micro four-​thirds) cam­era gear, like any pho­tog­ra­pher, I started get­ting many dif­fer­ent lenses. Most were based on reviews I had read and also based on my per­sonal needs and desires for focal lengths.

As my expe­ri­ence grew, I soon found I had col­lected five dif­fer­ent lenses. Most were made by Pana­sonic with excep­tion to one which was made by Olym­pus. Part of the rea­son I went with Pana­sonic is the built-​in O.I.S. (opti­cal image sta­bi­liza­tion) and two of the lenses are also water-​resistant which works great in rainy or wet con­di­tions with a sealed cam­era like the Pana­sonic GH3, GH4, and GH5.

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Eye Upgrade

It has been said the cam­era is and should be an exten­sion of the photographer’s eye, cap­tur­ing the light and beauty as the pho­tog­ra­pher sees it. Well, that is why I am upgrad­ing my cam­era eye. It has become time.

A few years ago, I took a giant leap of faith and gave up DSLR’s for mir­ror­less when I upgraded from an aging Nikon D200 to a Pana­sonic Lumix GH3. The smaller sen­sor was hard to jus­tify but I wanted smaller, lighter cam­era for hik­ing and travel. The lower cost of the cam­era and lenses was also an attrac­tive quality.

That leap was an adjust­ment in mind­set which told me I needed to either shoot Canon or Nikon to get best results. After a year, I had learned that this cam­era even with the smaller sen­sor was shoot­ing bet­ter pho­tos than my D200 and it made it eas­ier and more enjoy­able. It was fun show­ing up to fash­ion work­shops with mod­els and hav­ing all the Nikon and Canon shoot­ers look at me strangely. It was all redeemed when I posted my images, however.

So, after a few years with lots of use and travel, my GH3 was start­ing to show signs of wear. I had bro­ken the label on the expo­sure dial while hik­ing and it was start­ing to occa­sion­ally do some odd things elec­tron­i­cally. I fig­ured it was about time for an upgrade.

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