Essays /​cat­e­gories /​travel

St. Croix 2016

I was invited to join fam­ily in the US Vir­gin Islands for the first week of 2016. It was my first time vis­it­ing any Caribbean island so couldn’t pass up the oppor­tu­nity espe­cially know­ing I would have nice weather and lots of new photo opportunities.

We arrived Decem­ber 30th of 2015 which gave us some time to get set­tled in just as the new year hit for 2016. We didn’t take the time to scope out local new cel­e­bra­tions before hand so we cel­e­brated at our beach side home.

Know­ing where the sun comes up, I made sure to arise for sun­rise most of the days while on the island. They can be quite nice with a view com­pa­ra­ble to post­cards. Get­ting up this early is unusual for myself but I was often rewarded with views such as this video clip.

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