
Syn­thetic Tone-​photography is a branch of the Syn­thetic Tone-​media net­work cre­ated and owned by Dean C.C. Neit­man oth­er­wise known as Syn­thetic Tone across the inter­net. It show­cases some of my best and favorite pic­tures shot over the years includ­ing images used in my stock pho­tog­ra­phy port­fo­lio and pho­tos shot at events.

My his­tory with pho­tog­ra­phy is long with a dif­fer­ent path than most. My edu­ca­tion started out with com­mer­cial art in which I learned the secrets to cre­at­ing on point com­po­si­tions. I also learned the basics of image edit­ing and manip­u­la­tion using dig­i­tal tools such as Photoshop.

Later, I entered the news­pa­per indus­try for my career and started out in the pre­press depart­ments. This was a great expe­ri­ence and really pro­vided a good edu­ca­tion for under­stand­ing the color process, expos­ing neg­a­tives, and how to proper adjust images for best repro­duc­tion in both tra­di­tional and dig­i­tal for­mats. Here I really learned how to color cor­rect and enhance photos.

Want­ing to use my com­mer­cial art degree more, I jumped at an open­ing for adver­tis­ing artist where I spent a long career with Cox design­ing every­thing from race car designs, bill­boards, t-​shirts, direct mail, mar­ket­ing pro­mos, adverts to ani­mated Flash and HTML5 inter­net ads as well as land­ing pages, e-​newsletters, and rich media. Dur­ing that period, I had devel­oped a rep­u­ta­tion for my photo instincts and even played the role of edi­to­r­ial and adver­tis­ing pho­tog­ra­pher for spe­cial needs.

These days, I am still work­ing for Cox at my third news­pa­per but act­ing as a dig­i­tal adver­tis­ing art direc­tor where I over­see projects, develop work­flow strate­gies, trou­bleshoot and some­times assist with design on projects. My pho­tog­ra­phy is now more focused on free­lance projects where I have han­dled a few wed­dings, spe­cial events, fash­ion shoots, por­traits, land­scape and nature pho­tog­ra­phy, food, and stock photography.

I have stock pho­tog­ra­phy avail­able here for imme­di­ate down­load as well as the option to pur­chase prints and can be reached for pho­tog­ra­phy ser­vices. See my pric­ing page for a rel­a­tive idea on costs that are adjusted based on needs.