Essays /​tags /​adven­ture

Blood Moun­tain Wedding

It is not unusual to find me on a hike in north­ern Geor­gia or neigh­bor­ing states. Love the out­doors and all the friends it has opened up since becom­ing a part of one of the southeast’s largest and most active hik­ing groups, Geor­gia Adven­tur­ers Group. I also use my out­door time to find the photo oppor­tu­ni­ties which some­times comes as the ded­i­cated pho­tog­ra­pher for some group events.

About four months ago, I had planned to join my hik­ing friends for a long week­end in Dahlonega, Geor­gia at a hiker hos­tel. Hav­ing done this in the past, I knew it would likely be a good time with new and old friends. Lit­tle did I know 6 weeks later I would be con­tacted by one of the old friends and asked if I could do pho­tos of her wed­ding cer­e­mony on top of a nearby moun­tain that weekend.

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