Atlanta Film Fes­ti­val Photographer

I’ve had a grow­ing inter­est in video pro­duc­tion for a long time and always appre­ci­ated the art and tech­ni­cal aspects involved to make it hap­pen. So recently, an oppor­tu­nity popped up for a chance to attend the Atlanta Film Fes­ti­val as one of sev­eral event pho­tog­ra­phers and I thought to myself “Great! I can meet some inter­est­ing cre­ative peo­ple, maybe see some cool things and enjoy one of my favorite hob­bies at the same time, photography.”

Must admit that I am a bit excited for the event– first time attend­ing and still not sure of all the details on what I will be cov­er­ing but so far, it appears to be karaōke one evening. That event should pro­vide some great can­dids as well as some laughs.

It is a good pos­si­bil­ity that I will be cov­er­ing some more events on the week­end it wraps up. Hope­fully, I will have some nice pho­tos to share. Con­sid­er­ing the event and loca­tion I may even have some celeb pho­tos. I’ve never been much into the whole fan/​idol idea about celebs but I must admit, there are a few like Sam Elliot, that will be in some of the films, I would love to pho­to­graph or meet.

Cat­e­gories: event

atlanta event film geor­gia

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